We're living in a time unlike anything that worldwide business has ever had to deal with before. It can be easy to look too closely at the current crisis. Instead,...
Cognitive Dissonance is a subtle effect that can impact brands when seemingly minor design decisions are out of sync with people's expectations. Here's how to avoid it....
Brands must have a vision to achieve long-term success. And that vision must be clearly articulated and consistently applied over a long time to be effective. In today's noisy, over-communicated...
Take a look at how you are communicating your business. Are you focused on one thing and one thing only? Or are you hedging your bets by offering up unrelated...
Walking through downtown Portland the other day, I happened to notice this sign for a dentist called "Gentle Dental." Having worked with dental clinics in my capacity as a branding...
If people don't "get" what you're all about, does this mean all your work at creating a powerful brand presence has gone to waste? Not at all! Here's why....
A strong brand is one that takes advantage of many communication channels to present the same unified message about the brand. Some insights on how this works, from the Adwiz....
Most people are unsane. They aren't completely sane, and they aren't completely insane. They're somewhere in between. That's an important distinction in marketing and advertising. ...
What might the instruction manual of the future look like? This article appeared as a Futures column in Marketing magazine, Canada's version of Advertising Age, way back in November 2002...
Insights into what teens could teach marketers about branding. This article appeared as a column in Marketing magazine, June 2001, before social media. ...