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YES! I’d like to get started with ReBOOT to keep my website fresh and more secure.

[two_third]Please fill out the form below to start your subscription. You may cancel at any time with 30 days written notice. A one-time setup fee of $99 will be added to your first month’s subscription.

If you need more information, please contact the Adwiz here.

  • Your domain name. Note: ReBOOT can only support websites with fewer than 200,000 monthly page views. High volume websites require exceptionally high fees to the vendors so we are unable to support them.
  • We'll call you to obtain login details so that we can access your website administration area.
  • Select your ReBOOT subscription.
  • Enter monthly amount if you negotiated a special arrangement such as production of monthly or weekly eNewsletters or content updates. The one-time $99 setup fee still applies.
  • $ 0.00 CAD
  • MasterCard
    Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
  • ReBOOT helps to fight spam and the system's malware tests identify typical, known types of malware that may be infecting your site. However, no system is infallible. We cannot guarantee that you won't ever get spam and we can't guarantee that your site will never be infected.Our malware tests can't identify new types of infections that are not yet cataloged. What we can guarantee is that you'll get the highest quality personalized service. Also note that software updates could potentially contain unexpected code changes that may be unresolvable. In such an instance, we will re-install your site from a previous backup.

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Regular backups to offsite server
Protect all your data properly. This isn’t just any backup, but a sophisticated system that can restore your entire website in just minutes should the need arise. Other systems can involve days of complex technical work for restoration.

Anti-spam filtering
Spam is a nuisance that drains staff resources and can negatively impact your website and your brand. We’ll make spam virtually disappear.

XML Sitemap and SEO setup
This is a vital step in helping your site get the most traction on search engines. We review your SEO structure, make sure all your basic elements are optimized and install an XML site map.

WordPress updates
Wordpress updates are important to optimize the security of your site, but can break your site. With ReBOOT, each update is tested against your website code to see if it will affect your website.

Daily traffic reports
See how your site is doing, complete with daily Email messages summarizing your visitor activity, keyword usage and bounce rates.

Exceptional security
You get state-of-the-art security including the Brute Force Protection Network. When attacks happen, you even get notified. If the situation warrants, we can upgrade your security even higher to something called two-factor authentication.

Heat Map Tracking
You get to see how your visitors actually interact with your website through heat maps that show where they have clicked and even eye tracking.

Silver/Gold: Safe plugin updates
Plugins need to be updated as they are modified to work with new versions of WordPress or to fix security flaws. Unfortunately, those updates can break your site. We check every plugin update against your site, a process that takes considerable time. If a conflict is found, we restore the previous version and let you know about the problem so that you can decide how to proceed.

Gold: Monthly article
Fresh new content is one of the most important ways to ensure that your site remains relevant and ranks high in search engines. Our professional writers create a new article each month. We format the article and find a high quality feature image to keep your brand strong.
